
Do you want to add your profile to the list?

Visit the GitHub repo and add your profile by sending in a pr. Read the contribution guidelines or read the steps below.

Adding Your Profile

Here the steps to add your profile to the list:

Fork the Repository
Visit the Github repo and fork the repository to your own account.
Add your Information to the JSON
Open the file './src/data/profiles.ts' and add your information according to the 'Profile' interface.
Commit Your Changes
After making your changes, commit them to your local repository with descriptive commit messages.
Create a Pull Request (PR)
Visit the main page of your forked repository on GitHub and click the 'New Pull Request' button. Provide a descriptive title and comment explaining your changes in the PR description and then click the 'Create Pull Request' button
Wait for PR Approval
After your PR is approved, your profile will be added to the list!